Qualifications For an O-1 Visa

Cortez Deacetis

The O-1 visa is sometimes overlooked by qualified applicants. This visa is available to foreign nationals from various disciplines, including those in science and education. Physicians may apply for an O-1 visa. To qualify, applicants must show that they have a high level of expertise in their chosen field. Those who qualify possess extraordinary ability. They must have earned national or international acclaim over a period of time and offer evidence through specific documentation.

For physicians, the following accomplishments would be considered:

  • Outstanding accomplishment in the area of science that’s been recognized by the awarding of an international prize.
  • Outstanding achievement nationally in science that has been acknowledged through the garnering of an award for excellence.
  • A membership in an organization that has been earned through outstanding achievement. Such achievement should have been adjudicated by those recognized as experts in the field.
  • Published articles in professional trade journals or recognition through major media outlets that acknowledge the important contributions of the individual.
  • Documented original scholarly or scientific contributions by the individual.
  • Evidence that the individual has authored articles of a scholarly nature that have been published in juried journals or other major media outlets.
  • The individual has worked for notable organizations and institutions in a capacity that is considered to be important, essential or critical.
  • That the individual has served on a panel or for an organization to judge the work of others in the same or a connect area.
  • The individual has received a high salary for the work in their field.

When applying for the O-1 visa, the applicant must plan to enter the U.S. in order to continue to work in their field of expertise. Along with supporting materials, applicants must show evidence that they have an offer of employment. As an immigration attorney located in San Francisco, I’ve worked on numerous O-1 cases from around the country.

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